UVA professor claims Trump shooting was 'staged' and a tactic to win votes from 'idiots'

A University of Virginia professor denied the legitimacy of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump, posting to X that the Saturday shooting was “staged theatrics” performed by Secret Service to garner “idiots' vote”

A University of Virginia professor denied the legitimacy of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump, posting to X that the Saturday shooting was “staged theatrics” performed by Secret Service to garner “idiots’ vote”.

In a quote-tweet by University of Virginia Assistant Professor Sethunya Mokoko, he said that Trump’s secret service purposefully “ignored” eyewitnesses who allegedly informed police of an armed man on a roof before the shooting took place. 

”ignored him because trump & secrete service staged theatrics to win idiots’ vote,” Mokoko wrote.

Mokoko is an assistant professor at the University of Virginia, and a former professor at Clemson University, Gold West College, Long Beach City College and University of California, Long Beach, according to his Linkedin page.

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His biography at UVA states, “Mokoko’s work specializes in teaching students to appreciate and value social justice rhetorics across media; to become rhetorically listening writers, readers, and viewers; and to understand how global rhetorics shape and define agency and identification.”

“As an assistant professor in the Rhetoric and Writing Program, Mokoko will teach “Race, Rhetoric, and Social Justice” and “Writing about Culture and Society.”

Mokoko, a migrant from Lesotho, Southern Africa, has a Ph.D. in Rhetorics, Communication, & Information Design.

One student at the University of Virginia who asked to be anonymous told Campus Reform, “If professor Mokoko thinks the 75 million Americans who support Trump are idiots, he should not be teaching at UVA.”

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Campus Reform has recently reported on various other university faculty who have published distasteful comments about the near-assassination of the former president on Saturday.

A Northeastern University professor made a comment to the school’s news network that the assassination attempt on Trump should encourage Republicans to “rethink” their views on certain gun control policies.

The quote was eventually deleted from the article completely.

Campus Reform has contacted all relevant parties for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.