Vanderbilt student govt condemns Israel's 'genocide' in statement

On June 3, the Vanderbilt Student Government published a letter on its Instagram account that accused the Israeli government of committing 'genocide' against Palestinians.

'[We] call out what policy experts have made clear: Israel is actively committing war crimes that have led to this present day genocide,' the group wrote.

Screenshot taken from the Instagram account of @vanderbiltstudentgov

On June 3, the Vanderbilt Student Government published a letter on its Instagram account that began by accusing the Israeli government of committing “genocide” against Palestinians.

“As visible student leaders, it is important that we use our platform to call attention to the plight of Palestinians,” said the letter, which is signed by the president, vice president, and chief of staff of the student government. “With this in mind, we call out what policy experts have made clear: Israel is actively committing war crimes that have led to this present day genocide.”

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The students described the Nashville university’s campus activism as “meaningful” and “thought-provoking,” referring to a recent encampment that lasted for “nearly two months.”

“As a result, we unequivocally condemn the long history of human rights violations, settler colonialism, occupation, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid regime in Palestine,” the student government continued.

In their statement, the students additionally called for the university to divest from companies that have military ties to Israel.

“We ask that Vanderbilt disclose all of its financial holdings and divest from companies, most notably arms dealers, who are benefitting from Israeli apartheid and occupation,” they said.

Vanderbilt, like many other schools around the country, saw significant pro-Palestine demonstrations throughout April and early May, with some students starting an anti-Israel encampment on the university’s campus.

One group, the Vanderbilt Divest Coalition, posted to Instagram that “hundreds” of students marched in support of Palestinians, saying they would not stop until Vanderbilt “divests” from companies that have ties to Israel.

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“On May 1st, hundreds came out to march in solidarity with Palestine,” the group wrote last month. “Vanderbilt spent all year trying to suppress student voices, but we will not stop and we will not rest until Vanderbilt discloses and divests.”

The students also stated that they will resume pro-Palestine demonstrations when they return for the fall semester and that the past few months were “only the beginning.”

“Because most students cannot stay on campus during the summer, and it will no longer be safe to continue, camp will be taken down on May 4,” the post added. “But to the Vanderbilt administrators monitoring this page, know that this is only the beginning.”

“When students return in the fall, we will be more prepared than ever to fight for Palestine by any means necessary,” the group concluded.

Campus Reform has contacted Vanderbilt University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.