Washington State University implements institutional neutrality policy

Washington State University announced it has instituted a policy of institutional neutrality and will not comment on most political or social issues.

Credit: Washington State University

Washington State University announced it has instituted a policy of institutional neutrality and will not comment on most political or social issues.

The Pullman, Washington institution made the announcement in September, explaining it would only comment on such issues in “rare circumstances.”

”At Washington State University, we are committed to fostering an environment where diverse ideas and perspectives can flourish. As such, the university will maintain a practice of neutrality and will not take a position on contentious political or social issues, except in rare circumstances,” the announcement states. 

In its announcement from the University of Washington Office of the President, the university explained that the new policy is “guided” by three core principles: “promoting open debate,” “ensuring fair and respectful discourse,” and “avoiding the stifling of discussion.”

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”We have a responsibility to ensure that debates within our community are fair, open, civil, and respectful. By not aligning the institution with specific political or social positions, we create a space where all voices can be heard and considered without fear of institutional bias,” the university explained.

In some cases, the announcement read, speech can “cross the line and become threatening, discriminatory, or disruptive,” in which case it may violate campus policies.

According to the new policy, the university said it won’t hesitate to comment on issues that impact the “broad university community or the functioning of the institution.”

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”In such cases, we may take a position to protect the interests and well-being of our community members or the operational integrity of the university,” the announcement stated.