WATCH: College students try to explain 9/11

The Daily Caller’s most recent ‘Man vs. Street’ video explores whether students can remember details about 9/11.

A video published Sept. 11 by the Daily Caller highlights a disturbing trend among the younger generation.

To one student at George Washington University, it was just another school day.

“Do you know what’s going on on Monday?” asked interviewer Joel Gibbons.

“No,” the student said. “I’ll be going to class.”

He wasn’t alone. When Gibbons mentioned that it was 9/11, one student responded, “Okay.”

[RELATED: WATCH: Should students remember 9/11?]

It isn’t just remembering when the attacks happened. Of those students interviewed in the video, few could remember details about the Sept. 11 attacks such as who the aggressor was.

One even suggested that Americans shouldn’t be surprised the attacks happened.

“It’s not so much that we deserve it,” he said. “It’s that should we be surprised when groups take action against us when we meddle in other countries’ politics in ways that harm people.”

[RELATED: 9/11 memorial vandalized on campus for second year in a row]

The interviewees denied that the United States should have invaded Iraq after the attacks. Then what should the U.S. have done? Gibbons asked.

“Responded with a strongly-worded letter,” one woman replied. “Something like that.”

“Please don’t destroy buildings or kill our people anymore,” Gibbons returned.

Each featured respondent stated that he or she was born three or four years after the attacks.

Watch the full video here.