Students siding with communist China is what happens when they're taught to oppose Trump 'no matter what' (VIDEO)

Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips joined Fox and Friends Saturday to discuss his latest video.

Phillips said the video shows what happens when students are taught to oppose President Trump "no matter what."

Campus Reform Media Director Cabot Phillips joined Fox & Friends Saturday morning to discuss his latest video in which he asks students at the University of Maryland, home to one of the 91 remaining Confucius Institutes in the U.S., who they trust more: communist China or President Donald Trump and American intelligence agencies. 

Confucius Institutes, as Phillips explains are centers on college campuses that are billed as Chinese cultural centers but that, according to U.S. intelligence, pose a national security risk. In light of this, and during the same week as the 30th anniversary of the  Tiananmen Square massacre, Phillips asked students if they trust the communist Chinese regime, which says the centers are not used for propaganda or spying, over U.S. intelligence agencies. The majority of students said that they trust communist China more than Trump and U.S. intelligence.

[RELATED: INTERACTIVE MAP: Dozens of Confucius Institutes still operate across US]

”It was not surprising, sadly,” Phillips said Saturday when speaking of his interactions with students. “I’ve seen this mindset developing where people don’t have a context of history...that lack of historical knowledge of what happened in the past as well as what’s going on today leaves people to make these assumptions about how everywhere else must be better.”  

Earlier in the segment, Phillips said “this is essentially what happens when you convince people that they have to oppose President Trump no matter what, no matter how extreme it is. It almost becomes a competition. There’s nothing wrong with preferring other candidates over President Trump but when it comes at the expense of trusting a communist regime, that’s a problem.” 

[RELATED: VIDEO: Students trust communist Chinese government over Trump, U.S. intel]



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