American University offers 'women specific' self-defense class that is 'trans inclusive' and open to anyone who 'identifies' as a woman

American University in Washington, D.C. is offering 'trans-inclusive' self-defense classes in the fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters.

These classes will be split into two options: one referred to as 'women specific,' which allows for men to attend, and another referred to as 'gender neutral' for all participants.

American University in Washington, D.C. is offering “trans-inclusive” self-defense classes in the fall 2024 and spring 2025 semesters. 

These classes will be split into two options: one referred to as “women specific,” which allows for men to attend, and another referred to as “gender neutral” for all participants.

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According to a university website description, these classes are free and taught by American University self-defense instructors.

The website specifies the course material, stating that “the classes will provide information, tactics, and considerations which may be useful for various types of dangerous encounters.”

Rima Sifri, Assistant Director of Campus Police and one of the instructors of the class, describes the class in a safety orientation video, stating: “We deal with identity, not biology. If you identify as a woman, take the woman’s class. If you’re non-binary, take the gender neutral class.”

Sifri also noted that the courses were designed to be “trans-inclusive” because “we love everybody.”

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Towards the end of this video, Sifri explains how students will actively engage in practicing various skills learned in the class with other attendees. “You just show up, have your tennis shoes on, your athletic wear on, and be ready to rock n’ roll,” she says.

In addition to this class, American University offers extensive safety resources catering exclusively to their LGBT-identifying students, including “A Guide to Pronouns” and a “Trans Resource Guide.”

“The practice of asking individuals what pronouns they use for themselves should be done in an effort to respect the diversity of gender identities beyond man and woman,” the AU pronouns guide reads. The document also says to “Never argue with or question a person’s gender identity of pronouns.”

Campus Reform has contacted American University for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.