George Mason to hold ‘Lavender Orientation’ for LGBT-identifying students

George Mason University is hosting a 'Lavender Orientation' for LGBTQ-identifying students.

The Lavender Orientation, which will take place in Fairfax, Virginia on Wednesday, Aug. 28, is organized by the school’s LGBTQ+ Resource Center and Pride Alliance.

George Mason University is hosting a “Lavender Orientation” for LGBT-identifying students.

The Lavender Orientation, which will take place in Fairfax, Virginia on Wednesday, Aug. 28, is organized by the school’s LGBTQ+ Resource Center and Pride Alliance. The event aims to introduce new students to “LGBTQ+ life” at the school.

The LGBTQ+ Resource Center at George Mason University describes its mission as “cultivat[ing] the success and well-being of queer, trans, non-binary, and questioning students, staff, and faculty.” 

“We build identity-affirming programs, develop leaders, provide critical resources, and foster a culture of equity and allyship, at Mason,” it continues. Campus Pride, an LGBTQ advocacy group, gives the university five out of five stars.

The idea of a “Lavender Orientation” is similar to a “Lavender Graduation” — both are identity-based events for LGBTQ-identifying students. Campus Reform reported numerous examples of “Lavender Graduations” at colleges and universities this past spring, including Hofstra University, the University of Nevada, and the University of Virginia.

[RELATED: ‘Queer Resource Center’ that hosted ‘Gay Skeleton Wedding’ organizes special graduation for LGBTQ students]

According to the university’s page, the Lavender Orientation is meant to kickstart the school’s LGBTQ-themed annual events. Other events being organized by the LGBTQ+ Resource Center include the “Gender Marker Name Change Clinic” on Sept. 14, “Intersectionals: OUT, Proud, & Questioning LGBTQ+ Identity Affinity Spaces” on Sept. 18, and the “LGBTQ+ Student Showcase” on Oct. 7.

Campus Reform has reported many instances of colleges and universities offering identity-based freshman orientation programs. For example, this fall, the University of Chicago is organizing two identity-based “pre-orientation programs” - one is for “Students of Color,” and the other is for LGBTQ-identifying students. 

[RELATED: Org that co-hosted ‘Sexy Little Poems’ event to hold special graduation for non-straight students and ‘allies’]

Also taking place at the start of this semester, the University of Virginia’s Multicultural Student Services is hosting four identity-based “receptions” as part of its freshman orientation offerings.

Earlier this year, Governor of Virginia Glenn Youngkin announced an investigation into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at George Mason. “The administration has heard concerns from members of the Board of Visitors, parents, and students across the Commonwealth regarding core curriculum mandates that are a thinly veiled attempt to incorporate the progressive left’s groupthink on Virginia’s students,” Youngkin’s spokesman said.

Campus Reform contacted George Mason University, the LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and the school’s Pride Alliance for comment. This story will be updated accordingly.