Group that aims to 'Abolish the UC' releases guide to 'liberate a dining hall' and 'make food free, as it should be': READ THE DOC

The document claims that liberating a dining hall 'is extremely flexible' and doesn't 'inconvenience the dining hall staff.'

An anti-Israel group in California released a document walking people through “How to liberate a dining hall.”

The group, Abolish the UC, created the document in mid-May as anti-Israel campus occupations were ramping up across the country, specifically in California.

The document advises that liberating a dining hall “is extremely flexible” and doesn’t “inconvenience the dining hall staff.”

California anti-Israel group releases document guiding people on ‘How to liberate a dining hall’ by Campus Reform on Scribd

”This action is extremely flexible in terms of the number of people needed and how long it lasts. And because it does not disrupt food service or change the operation of the dining hall, it does not inconvenience the dining hall staff. All it does is make food free, as it should be. So get together with some friends, gather a crew, and make it happen!” the document states.

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Abolish the UC wrote in the document that individuals taking over a dining hall should “protect your identities” by wearing masks, long sleeves, and hats. The group also advised protesters to “not use anyone’s real name” and to avoid bringing phones with.

Protesters attempting to “liberate a dining hall” should “block the registers,” according to the group, with one person telling the cashier “Food is free today, so people will not be swiping in.”

Protesters would then guide people past the registers, stating “food is free today, come in.”

After the dining hall is “liberated,” the group wrote that people outside should start inviting people inside.

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”Once the hall is liberated, the outside crew should start inviting people in. If you plan to drop a banner or put up signs, do that immediately after the registers have been blocked. Your social media team can also publish communiques at this time,” the document states.

Students at the University of California, Santa Cruz, took over its dining hall on May 28 and employed tactics outlined in the document published by Abolish the UC.

According to the Daily Nexis, a group blocked the dining hall’s swipe counter and took over the building in an effort to get the university to divest from Israel.

An organizer told the news outlet that they took over the building so that  “everyone can eat for free,” adding the group “would rather the school’s money go to feeding the students than bombs or war research.”