Hezbollah official says he met with Western students who have 'great impact' in anti-Israel efforts

A Hezbollah official has spoken out applauding student efforts in anti-Israel protests saying that the student protesters “have a great impact.”

The official said that he participated in a symposium with individuals from Western nations.

A Hezbollah official has spoken out applauding student efforts in anti-Israel protests saying that the student protesters “have a great impact.” 

Hezbollah’s Head of Youth Section, Ali Al-Hajj Hassan, expressed his thanks and support for anti-Israel student groups in America, Britain, and other countries during a recent appearance on a news station in Lebanon, according to MEMRI TV, a Middle East media research organization.

Hassan said that he participated in a symposium with individuals from Western nations.

”We have seen the mobilization of students and youth in the West. Yesterday, for example, I participated in a symposium with young people from America, Britain, and various other countries. We agreed that it is our duty today, as student and youth organizations, to unite and become as one, for the sake of Palestine,” Hassan said.

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Hassan said that the “global front in support of Palestine” should be established, especially at Western schools.

”We need to establish this global front in support of Palestine. We said that anyone capable of connecting with those students at Western universities, should urge them to make sure that the launching of the new academic year will be marked by Palestine, the defense of Palestine, and the slogans of liberating Palestine and stopping the aggression against Gaza,” Hassan said.

Hassan admitted that he has asked students and student organizations in Western countries to make their voices “loud” and “that they should raise it as much as they can, and fill the public squares and universities, and the social media platforms in their countries, in defense of Palestine.” 

Criticizing the United States and Western countries in Europe, Hassan added that “Western civilization is a colonialist civilization. It is a criminal, enslaving, occupying, terrorist civilization.”

Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based, Islamist paramilitary group that Hassan identified himself as a member of, has consistently attacked Israel in unprovoked attacks in the previous months since the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas.  The group is also designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. State Department.

The comments from Hassan further outline how terrorist groups outside of the United States have influenced pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests on college campuses in the U.S.

[RELATED: George Washington University suspends anti-Israel student groups until 2025 over disruptive demonstrations]

Campus Reform has previously reported that a University of Chicago professor denied connections between Iranian government officials and anti-Israel protesters and student groups, claiming that the connection is an “allegation made by authoritarian states.” 

Additionally, Campus Reform has previously reported that Iran-based funding has aided college students’ protest against Israel in the United States, according to the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines.