House education committee chairwoman subpoenas Columbia University for 'priority documents' in anti-Semitism investigation

​House Education Committee on Education & The Workforce Chairwoman Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) sent another subpoena to Columbia University asking for documents it has failed to turn over related to an investigation into campus anti-Semitism.

House Education Committee on Education & The Workforce Chairwoman Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) sent another subpoena to Columbia University asking for documents it has failed to turn over related to an investigation into campus anti-Semitism.

Foxx sent the subpoena to Columbia University Interim President Katrina Armstrong on Wednesday, accusing the school of slow-rolling the investigation and failing to turn over requested documents.

“Columbia should be a partner in our efforts to ensure Jewish students have a safe learning environment on its campus, but instead, university administrators have slow rolled the investigation, repeatedly failing to turn over necessary documents. The information we have obtained points to a continued pattern of negligence towards antisemitism and a refusal to stand up to the radical students and faculty responsible for it. The goal of this investigation has always been to protect Jewish students and faculty, and if compulsory measures are necessary to obtain the documents the Committee requires, so be it,” Foxx wrote.

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The committee identified “priority documents” in the subpoena, which include:

- “All documents and communications since October 7, 2023, referring and relating to antisemitism, including those related to the Gaza Solidarity Encampment involving key Columbia officials including the University’s then-President, Provost, Chief Operating Officer, and Co-Chairs and Vice Chairs of the University’s Board of Trustees.

- All Board of Trustees meeting minutes, notes, summaries, and recordings since April 17, 2024, whether formal or informal, and all Board of Trustees meeting minutes, notes, summaries, and recordings since October 7, 2023, referring to antisemitism and/or Israel.

- All documents and communications referring or relating to alleged antisemitic incidents and/or conduct violations relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by Columbia students, faculty, and staff since October 7.”

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Foxx wrote in a letter to Armstrong that the university hasn’t provided ”updated and more detailed information on disciplinary actions relating to the encampment.”

The committee chairwoman also said that communications between certain administrators related to the encampment haven’t yet been turned over.

Columbia University has until Sept. 4 to produce the requested documents.