LEFT EATS LEFT: NYC Students for Justice in Palestine chapter to protest AOC campaign rally

A Students for Justice in Palestine chapter is set to protest a campaign rally for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Saturday.

A Students for Justice in Palestine chapter is set to protest a campaign rally for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Saturday.

The Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at the Fashion Institute of Technology a graphic to their Instagram story urging supporters to “Flood the Bronx for Gaza” on Saturday and protest AOC’s campaign rally.

”Flood the Bronx for Gaza,” the poster reads. “Protest AOC’s campaign rally. Endorsing Biden is endorsing Genocide.”

”The Bronx Stands with Palestine,” the poster read.

[RELATED: Columbia students criticize AOC for appearing to back the Iron Dome]

The protest against AOC comes after Columbia University’s Students for Justice in Palestine criticized Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for her support of Israel’s Iron Dome, which protects the country from incoming missiles.

Ocasio-Cortez walked through the anti-Israel encampment in late April, just days before it was shut down by university administrators and the New York Police Department.

”This is why we didn’t want you at the encampment. You backed the iron dome,” Columbia SJP wrote on social media June 12 in response to a tweet from Ocasio-Cortez reiterating her ceasefire support.

”I am one of the only members of Congress to cosponsor the ceasefire reso since Day 1. I consistently vote NO on military budgets, including further weapons to Israeli gov. I think Netanyahu is a war criminal. AIPAC targets me. AND I find antisemitism disgusting. Deal with it,” the original tweet from Ocasio-Cortez read.

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Columbia SJP went on to accuse Ocasio-Cortez of “Blatant dehumanization and racism towards Palestinians.”

”@AOC claims to support us. But she couldn’t even acknowledge the chemical attack that hospitalized 15 Columbia students. To this day, students are still dealing with health issues,” the group wrote.

While Ocasio-Cortez voted “present” for a 2021 bill that provided $1 billion in funding for the Iron Dome, she later apologized to constituents. She said she opposed the funding, according to the New York Times, explaining that she had received “hateful targeting. 

”I want to be clear with our community that I am opposed to this bill, but ultimately cast a PRESENT vote,” she wrote. “The reckless decision by House leadership to rush this controversial vote within a matter of hours and without true consideration created a tinderbox of vitriol, disingenuous framing, deeply racist accusations and depictions, and lack of substantive discussion on this matter.”

[RELATED: Northwestern, Rutgers, and UCLA leaders all claim they don’t know who started encampments’]

However, her tune has changed slightly since Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attack on Israel.

When asked on CNN almost a week after the Oct.7 attack if her position had changed since the 2021 vote, Ocasio-Cortez said “I think that in this present moment, when we discuss support for Israeli defense systems, that is absolutely legitimate.”

In an April 20 statement with other Democrat members of Congress, Ocasio-Cortez said “All of us support strengthening the Iron Dome and other defense systems and we are committed to a sovereign, safe, and secure future for Israel.”