UC San Diego SJP says ceasefire is 'not enough,' argues that the 'Zionist entity must fall'

Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of California, San Diego said in an Instagram story that a potential ceasefire doesn’t go nearly far enough, and called on the entire “Zionist entity” to fall.

Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of California, San Diego said in an Instagram story that a potential ceasefire doesn’t go nearly far enough, and called on the entire “Zionist entity” to fall.

The comment comes after several news outlets reported that Hamas dropped a key demand of a total end to Israel’s war in Gaza in negotiations of a potential ceasefire.

“A ceasefire is not enough. Any state that can occupy and bombard a population every few years cannot exist. The Zionist entity must fall,” the SJP chapter wrote.

In April, SJP at UCSD held a “Vigil for Palestine” in order to “Honor Our Martyrs.”

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The SJP chapter helped organize the anti-Israel encampment at UCSD, which ended with 64 arrests on May 6, according to NBC San Diego.

Of the 64 individuals arrested, 40 of them were students.

[RELATED: UCSD students hold ‘Vigil for Palestine’ to ‘Honor Our Martyrs’]

UCSD Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla said in a statement that the anti-Israel encampment posed a safety risk.

”We began communicating with participants within minutes of the camp’s establishment. Nevertheless, the encampment has tripled in size in violation of the group’s commitment not to expand the footprint. This encampment poses an unacceptable safety and security hazard on campus,” Khosla wrote.