UT Austin anti-Israel group to host one-year celebration of 'resistance' following Oct. 7 attacks

An anti-Israel group at the University of Texas at Austin will hold a protest in celebration of one year of 'resistance' following Hamas' Oct. 7 attacks.

The student group said ‘we salute our people’s steadfastness and resistance.'

An anti-Israel group at the University of Texas at Austin will hold a protest in celebration of one year of “resistance” following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks.

The Palestine Solidarity Committee will co-host an “international day of action” protest at Austin’s City Hall, Oct. 5 at 1 p.m, the group announced on Instagram. According to the post, the protest is titled “One Year of Genocide, One Year of Resistance.”

“This October marks one year since our people in Gaza showed the world that the colonized can fight against their colonizer and win. We know that Palestine will be victorious,” the post states. ”As we approach one full year of Israel’s genocide on Gaza, we salute our people’s steadfastness and resistance. We declare October 5th as a global day of action for Palestine to honor this year as one where Palestinians stood tall against Zionism, as they have for nearly a century.”

[RELATED: UT Austin offers probation to some students arrested at Hamas-endorsed protest]

“Amidst this genocide entering a full year, our people in Gaza, across Palestine, and around the world remain determined to end the genocide and free our homeland,” it continues. ”Zionism’s time has waned and is on the road to a humiliating defeat. The struggle continues until full liberation and return. We will not stop, we will not rest, until all of Palestine is free.”

The Palestine Solidarity Committee was suspended by the university in April, according to CBS Austin.

The Instagram announcement faced scrutiny, with UT students such as senior Saif Khan debating anti-Israel students in the comment section. Debate began with his comment, stating “Not to be controversial, but maybe we shouldn’t be celebrating the kidnapping and killing of children.”

Khan was met with various anti-Semitic comments in return, such as “killing your oppressors is resistance” and “you’re nothing but a Zionist apologist”.

The Palestine Solidarity Committee has a history of anti-Israel behavior on campus, as Campus Reform has previously reported. Over 100 arrests of anti-Israel students and other members of this group were arrested at campus protests in April of this year.

[RELATED: Meet the University of Texas at Austin students and staff arrested at Hamas-endorsed protest]

UT Austin currently faces a lawsuit from a student arrested during the protests in April. However, the university continues to hold firm in taking action against student protesters who trespass.

Campus Reform has reached out to the Palestine Solidarity Committee, Saif Khan, and the University of Texas at Austin for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.