Ibram X Kendi: Like slaveholders, those against COVID restrictions want 'freedom to kill and exploit and terrorize'

Ibram X. Kendi said that the United States is still a 'slaveholders' republic' on his podcast, referencing an article he published in 2020.

'Campus Reform' continues to report on Kendi's 'anti-racism' agenda and the criticism it receives from concerned parents of diverse backgrounds.

Ibram X. Kendi recently told his podcast listeners that the United States is still a “slave holding republic,” likening the “freedom to enslave” to those Americans today wanting to end COVID-19 restrictions. 

”When the right started pushing for the right and the freedom to open back up, I ended up writing this piece in the Atlantic that basically argued that we’re still in a slaveholders’ republic,” the Boston University professor said on a July 28 episode titled “Prison & Police Abolition: Finding True Safety.” 

He continued, “And what I argued is that the slaveholder, the individual, wanted the freedom to enslave there’s no difference between that and the individual saying ‘I should have the freedom to infect people. I should have the freedom to kill and exploit and harass and terrorize.”

Kendi was referencing an article he wrote in May 2020 for The Atlantic. 

[RELATED: Ibram X. Kendi says teaching young students anti-racism is ‘prudent’]

Kendi previously said that teaching young students anti-racism is a “prudent thing to do for teachers” during the American Federation of Teachers 2021 TEACH conference, as reported by Campus Reform.

At Albion College, the university announced that Kendi’s book “How to Be an Antiracist” would be their 2021 common read, which is mandatory for all first-year students.

The college’s Common Reading Experience Taskforce said in an email that the book is a “Blueprint” for student’s growth in “individual antiracism.”

[RELATED: As Asian, Black, White parents stand up to CRT, Ibram X. Kendi dismisses opponents’ arguments]

“This text speaks to the work already taking place on campus through our Blueprint for Belonging and challenges us to grow towards institutional, interpersonal, and individual antiracism,” the email said. 

The email continued to say that they are continuing “to expand our reach beyond the First Year Experience to create conversations across our college and Albion community,” and that “We will provide intentional programs, events, and opportunities for all students, faculty, staff and community members to engage with the themes of the text.”