‘FOOT SOLDIERS FOR HAMAS’: Oct. 7 survivors sue anti-Israel groups that back Hamas

The lawsuit states that ‘Plaintiffs are survivors of Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack, family members of those murdered by Hamas, civilians still under fire from Hamas’s ongoing terrorism, and persons displaced by Hamas’s ongoing terrorism.’

‘Through NSJP, AMP uses propaganda to intimidate, convince, and recruit uninformed, misguided, and impressionable college students to serve as foot soldiers for Hamas on campus and beyond.’

On May 1, American survivors of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist massacre sued American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), contending that the two groups aid and abet Hamas’ goals and brainwash college students.

“Defendant AJP Educational Foundation, Inc. a/k/a American Muslims for Palestine (“AMP”) serves as Hamas’s propaganda division in the United States,” the lawsuit contends. “AMP was founded from the ashes of disbanded organizations created by senior Hamas officials after those organizations and related individuals were found criminally and civilly liable for providing material support to Hamas and other affiliated terrorist groups.”

“In 2010, AMP expanded its operation to American college campuses when it founded Defendant National Students for Justice in Palestine (’NSJP’) to control hundreds of Students for Justice in Palestine (’SJP’) chapters across the country,” the lawsuit continues. “Through NSJP, AMP uses propaganda to intimidate, convince, and recruit uninformed, misguided, and impressionable college students to serve as foot soldiers for Hamas on campus and beyond.”

[RELATED: Students for Justice in Palestine plan ‘national strike,’ pledge to avoid work, school, and spending]

“On October 8, the day after Hamas’s terrorist attack, AMP and NSJP were prepared and responded to Hamas’s ‘call for mass mobilization’ by disseminating a manifesto and plan of attack ‘NSJP Toolkit’) which includes materials that appear to have been created before the attack. . . . AMP and NSJP enacted the NSJP Toolkit as written and beset their army of college students on American streets and college campuses.”

The lawsuit states that “Plaintiffs are survivors of Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack, family members of those murdered by Hamas, civilians still under fire from Hamas’s ongoing terrorism, and persons displaced by Hamas’s ongoing terrorism. They have been, and continue to be, injured by AMP and NSJP’s intentional, systematic, and substantial assistance to Hamas’s acts of international terrorism. AMP and NSJP are liable for Plaintiffs’ resulting damages.”

Mark Goldfelder, one of the legal representatives for the plaintiffs, told Fox News that part of the purpose of the lawsuit is to dissuade the next “generation of Americans” from “accidentally” falling under the influence of Hamas.

“We might actually save a generation of Americans from accidentally walking into a terrorist cult,” Goldfelder explained. “If we can just say, ‘Look, you didn’t know what you were doing, but these people, these extremists are not just extremists, but they’re actually working with a terrorist group,’ hopefully those 80% can walk away. Those are our future congressmen, our future senators, maybe our future president.”

[RELATED: Faculty for Justice in Palestine groups form, emulating anti-Israel student organization]

Anat Alon-Beck, another legal representative for the plaintiffs, attributed the students’ actions partly to ignorance, arguing that they do not know the meaning of some of the slogans that they have been chanting.

“A lot of times when I had conversations with students, they didn’t know what was ‘River to the Sea,’ what it meant. They didn’t even know what was ‘intifada.’ They thought it was a salad,” Alon-Beck told Fox News. 

In the same vein, Goldfeder also told outlet that he believed that roughly 80% of anti-Israel activists could neither “find Israel on a map” nor explain “what river and what sea,” referring to the infamous call “From the River to the Sea” that many see as a call for the genocide of Jews in Israel. 

Campus Reform has contacted American Muslims for Palestine and National Students for Justice in Palestine for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.