LIKE IT NEVER LEFT: Columbia students re-occupy campus as alumni weekend begins

Anti-Israel Columbia University students have re-occupied a portion of the south lawn after it was dismantled by police nearly a month ago.

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Anti-Israel Columbia University students re-occupied a portion of the south lawn on Friday evening after it was dismantled by police nearly a month ago.

The encampment was set up by Columbia University Apartheid Divest, which was one of the groups behind the previous encampment.

”At 7pm on the main campus South Lawn, a group of Palestinians, supported by the wider community at Columbia University, established a new encampment-style installation amid Columbia College’s Alumni Reunion,” a press release from Columbia University Apartheid Divest stated.

The encampment was dubbed named “Revolt for Rafah: Installation One” to “coincide with Columbia’s alumni fundraising push.”

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”We urge alumni to withhold donations until the university ends its complicity in Israel’s crimes and meets their demands,” the group stated.

Signs which read “Liberated Zone” and “We’re Back B-tches” could be seen at the encampment.

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According to NBC News, nearly 100 people were arrested at Columbia on April 30 to end the previous encampment.