Trump vows to take away accreditation, funds from schools that support anti-Semitism

‘Colleges will and must end the anti-Semitic propaganda or they will lose their accreditation and federal support. No money will go to them,’ Trump warned.

‘I am the candidate of those who want to defend Western civilization, defend Israel and defend, of course, the United States of America,’ he said.

Former President Donald Trump announced Thursday that, if elected this November, he will cut federal taxpayer funds to institutions of higher education that support anti-Semitism, as well as removing their accreditation. 

“Colleges will and must end the anti-Semitic propaganda or they will lose their accreditation and federal support. No money will go to them,” Trump warned higher education institutions as he addressed the Republican Jewish Coalition at its annual retreat.

Trump asserted that he will inform every college president of his plans if elected. “The American taxpayer will not subsidize the creation of terrorist sympathizers on American soil,” he said.

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Trump also vowed to “reject anti-Semitism in our schools.” Many American colleges and universities have been facing mounting criticisms for either harboring professors or classes widely seen as anti-Semitic, or for not doing enough to combat anti-Semitism from activists on campus. 

Trump additionally threatened the arrest of “pro-Hamas thugs” who damage government property.

“I am the candidate of those who want to defend Western civilization, defend Israel and defend, of course, the United States of America,” Trump claimed.

In 2019, during his presidency, Trump signed an Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism announcing that “It shall be the policy of the executive branch to enforce Title VI against prohibited forms of discrimination rooted in anti-Semitism as vigorously as against all other forms of discrimination prohibited by Title VI.”

Since Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre of Jewish civilians, American colleges and universities have become the scenes of anti-Israel protests, many of which have seen anti-Semitic harassment against Jewish students. 

On Friday at the University of Pittsburgh, a keffiyeh-wearing man was arrested after violently assaulting two Jewish students. 

A recent survey has also found that more and more Americans are seeing anti-Semitism as a problem. 

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Jewish political commentator Mark Levin, who spoke before Trump at the Republican Jewish Coalition event, said: “These universities and colleges are not gonna stop because we tell them to stop. . . . This is a spreading cancer and it spreads, and it spreads, and it spreads,” he said.

“If we don’t change policies. It’s over,” Levin claimed.

Campus Reform has contacted Former President Donald Trump, the Republican Jewish Coalition, and Mark Levin for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.